Forum is recruiting members

Forum is recruiting members

The Docklands Community Forum is looking for three new members to join its representative group.

The City of Melbourne is asking for expressions of interests from community members who are interested in taking on the voluntary role.

While everyone in the community is invited to attend and contribute to the forum, the representative group is responsible for influencing the focus of the forum and attending Docklands Steering Group meetings.

“The ideal candidate for this voluntary role on the forum is someone who lives or works in Docklands, is passionate about the area and is keen to be involved in the issues affecting

Docklands, on both a small and large scale, now and into the future,” the spokesperson said.

When the Docklands Community Forum was formed in 2012, 28 people volunteered for a role as a forum representative, of which 11 were selected.

Council says anyone who was overlooked for a position in 2012 is welcome to re-apply.

Expressions must be received by 5pm on February 17 and can be submitted at

The first Docklands Community Forum for 2014 is on February 26 at Places Victoria  and will run from 6pm to 7.30pm.

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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