Flinders Bank to start soon

Flinders Bank to start soon

The owners of the vacant site at the corner of Spencer and Flinders streets expects to start building early next year.

Plans for the site were approved by Planning Minister Richard Wynne in 2016. But Century Group Aus says it has amended the designs in response to “a demand for larger apartments located among strong amenity”.

Known as Flinders Bank, the 4500sqm site will be home to a triple-tower complex featuring 500 luxury apartments, 167 five star hotel rooms and 2100 sqm of retail.

Architect Karl Fender said: “Flinders Bank in particular will give something back to Melbourne for the people who live and play here.”

The development includes a new laneway linking Flinders and Siddeley streets as part of the activation the site and provide connections from the river to the CBD.

A public plaza will also feature, leading into a retail podium of three levels that links the eastern and western towers. This retail precinct is envisaged to contain a combination of stores as well as landmark dining, with tenancies on Spencer St featuring expansive views.

Already a rooftop bar has been earmarked for the podium of precinct’s southern tower, where the hotel will be located. Century Group Aus says it is in final negotiations with a hotel chain.

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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