Fashion wrap up from L’Oreal Fashion Week

Fashion wrap up from L’Oreal Fashion Week

By Alison Kinkade

Fashion week has now officially wrapped up, but Alison Kinkade was lucky enough to attend two events in Docklands during the week to bring you all the latest fashion trends.

L’Oreal Paris Runway presented by Vogue

Starting my fashion week on Tuesday night at the L’Oreal Paris Runway 2 presented by Vogue, my appetite for fashion was whetted before I had even walked into the show.

Parading around Central Pier many fashionistas from the general public could have easily been mistaken for the models inside.

Dressed in all the latest trends and styles, these label-worshipers had done their homework with some picking out the key trends which would be shown later in the night.

As we were herded into Central Pier’s Peninsula, I was amazed at the transformation of the venue. With the runway backed up against one side and chairs staggered in height the show was already off to a great start and could definitely, in my opinion, be compared with the best in the world.

Romance was born kicked off the show with a mixed collection featuring highly patterned clothing, a rainbow of colours, edgy voluminous shoulders and knits.  The highlight of the “Nightmare on Wall Street” collection ­– a salute to the 80s in the form of a deep purple mini-dress with multilayer puffy sleeves.

Ellery presented a fierce collection with models wearing thigh-high leather boots and suspenders, power jackets and flowing skirts, dresses and tops. The “A tribute to Dr. Strange” collection also payed tribute to the 80s.

In a collection that looked almost designed around Melbourne, Friedrich Gray’s collection prominently featured black. As well as following the trend of thigh high boots, the collection featured a range of material including leather and wool.

There is no argument that  both Men at Work’s Down Under or  the children’s tune Kookaburra Sits in the Old Gum Tree could have been played in the background of ANT!PODiUM collection.  As the models appeared with knitted lizards slung around their necks and shoulders the audience knew they were in for something different. The collection focused heavily on earthy colours with a few shades of pink thrown in for good measure.

Gary Bigeni’s collection was possible my least favourite featuring outfits which could only be worn by young skinny teens or models. The collection showed long, flowing dresses and shirts in clingy lycra material which did nothing to flatter the beautiful girls who wore them. Perhaps I was slightly more disappointed as, up until this collection, all other designs had been outfits which look fantastic and could easily be worn.

Arnsdorf was next in line and restored my faith in fashion completely. Featuring high waisted shorts and pants and gorgeously cut jackets, the collection looked as though it had been pulled out of the 1940s and placed elegantly in front of the audience. Muted tones including apricot were used prominently in the designs, though the collection also featured navy and maroon.  This collection featuring classic effortless glam was definitely my favourite of the night.  

After feeling quite content and on a high from the Arnsdorf collection, I wasn’t sure if any other collection could begin to compete, but Dion Lee produced the futuristic highlight of the night. Providing the most unique collection of the evening, Dion Lee thought outside the box in presenting a line with great structure, pleating and panelling. Following the night’s trend of black, white and grey, the collection wowed the audience.

Finally Therese Rawsthorn presented the closing collection for the night mirroring the collections which had gone before with a range that feature both strong cut dresses and jackets, as well as flowing items.

All in all, it was a great night showing a mix and match of eras with the major key trend being muted colours for autumn and winter this year.

Designers House Ice Wonderland Fashion Show

As the working week drew to a close I ventured out to Designers House Ice Wonderland Fashion Show at Harbour Town.

The free fashion event had packed out the clothing store with the general public rubbing shoulders with VIPs as they sipped on a glass of Devaux’s Cuvee and treated themselves to some Raffaello chocolates.

Unlike the L’Oreal runway, there seemed to be no defining colour trend. Key trends for the night however, seemed to be leggings, sequins and a touch of fur.

Tim O’Connor’s collection was the first to impress with a mix of very wearable work and after-five wear in a range of colours.

Sissi G presented a delightful collection allowing kids to be kids in beautiful, flowing angelic dresses.

In a ballet dancer meets biker move, Modern Lovers presented beautiful outfits that put funk back into glam with tulle skirt paired with leather jackets. The collection also featured a gorgeous Red Riding Hood eat-your-heart-out cape, black/cream tiger print bolero and a multicolour sequin jacket.

Annah Stretton’s and Rosemin’s collections provided the highlight of the night, with both oozing a Parisian feel. Lace and velvet were used to perfection to emphasise the soft elegance of the collections.

After the show MC, Claire Hooper, invited the audience to shop for 45 minutes to which, of course, they obliged.

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