Dreary black needn’t be back

Dreary black needn’t be back

Dreary black needn’t be back

Visit any crowded intersection in the midst of winter and you are sure to see a swarm of black coats and cold faces.

It’s a scene straight out of the John Brack painting Collins St at 5pm – a sea of dreary colours. Life needn’t be like this. Dressing up black is simple.

Add a touch of colour with a bright scarf or hat. Colourful geometric hats and pom-pom scarves add both interest and bolts of bright colour to brighten the gloomy weather.

Liven up the LBD with statement jewelry. As a fashion staple, the black dress needs some attention for it to truly shine. The simplest accessory is turned into a statement piece when matched with an all-black canvas.

Lastly, don’t forget your pins! With a huge variety of tights and stockings in a range of prints, spots and colours, there’s no reason to stick with black opaque tights all winter long. Brighten up black with some fun stripes, or turquoise, orange or bright florals.

Black is a marvelous staple, matching almost everything. Add some colour and interest to stand out from the black pack this winter.

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