Farewell and thanks for the service

Farewell and thanks for the service

Docklands is this month saying goodbye to Allan and Ronetta Cayzer after nearly 14 years management of Marina YE.

Management of the marina is being brought inhouse by the City of Melbourne and the couple will be sorely missed at Yarra’s Edge.

As an expert in marina management Allan consulted to Mirvac and VicUrban almost from the moment Yarra’s Edge was conceptualised early in the new century.

When the permanent management role came up, the Cayzers jumped at the opportunity and have been an embedded part of the local community since 2004.

Allan recalls that the opportunity was unique in Victoria as, up until then, marinas were a rough and tumble sort of offering.

“The standard of facilities at that time was no better than the showers in a local footy club’s change rooms,” he said.

The approach to customer service at Marina YE was revolutionary for its time and set a new standard, which others have followed.

“Ronetta came from the fashion industry and was instrumental in setting the level of luxury here,” Allan said. “We greet each boat and present them with their towels and toiletries.”

“It’s just so far from where marinas were when we started out, with timber jetties and boats being hauled out on railway tracks,” Allan said.

Marina YE achieved a number of firsts for Victoria – being the first to win “Clean Marina” status and later to be awarded five “Gold Anchors”.

Allan said the “Gold Anchor” auditors couldn’t find a marina customer who was dissatisfied. “They asked me whether the customer list was fake!” he said.

As much as the Cayzers are looking forwarded to returning to their family home at Point Lonsdale for more than just weekends, they are also going to miss the Docklands community.

“The response to the news has been overwhelming from boat owners,” Allan said. “We have a couple of people in here the other day in tears. We were really taken aback.”

Mr Cayzer said Docklands had some more developing to do, but had recently really grown towards its full potential.

“I’ve always been puzzled by the criticism of Docklands,” he said. “The division between the fun and games of the city and the village atmosphere of Docklands is its strength.”

“There’s a great community here and that’s what makes the place so special – everyone knows each other.”

And, despite being in the industry for 56 years, Allan is not ready to hang up his mooring rope just yet. He explained that he was involved at boutique marina at Rippleside in Geelong and also has ongoing interests at Queenscliff and Wyndham Harbour.

All the best Allan and Ronetta. Don’t be a stranger and berth again here soon.

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Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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