Enterprize in the spotlight

Enterprize in the spotlight

Docklands’ resident tall-ship the Enterprize was in the spotlight last month when it took a starring role in an upcoming short-film

The production team behind Jolly Roger chose the ship as the set for one of the scenes in the film and spent April 7 filming on board in Docklands.

According to the film’s director and writer Kaiya Jones, one of the scenes features a pirate ship and the Enterprize proved to be a great fit.

“The basic premise of the film is a story about a depressed and lonely old man who regains his love for life with the help of some unlikely friends and a bit of imagination,” Ms Jones explained.

It’s not the first time Enterprize has been involved in a film-shoot, with general manager Michael Womack explaining that in recent years the ship had also been featured in adventure/fantasy film The Moon and the Sun, ABC series The Secret River, a Matthew Flinders documentary and a number of other films and television shows.

Mr Womack said the ship was perfect for films with period settings or scenes such as Jolly Roger.

The Enterprize is a replica of the ship that brought the first European settlers to Melbourne from Tasmania in 1835 and was designed to be as similar as possible to the original ship.

“It’s the only traditionally rigged ship in Australian and New Zealand waters,” Mr Womack said.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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