Drawing on experience

Drawing on experience

As an art teacher, Rhonda Favaloro can draw on plenty of experience.

Mrs Favaloro is a volunteer tutor with the University of the Third Age (U3A), where the only prerequisite is to be aged 50-plus.

The U3A is based in Flinders Lane and, among the courses on offer, is botanical drawing which is conducted under Mrs Favalaro’s tutelage at the Hub in Docklands.

Classes are held on Mondays and Thursdays, from 1pm to 3.30pm.

Mrs Favalaro, 66, joined the U3A eight years ago when a back injury ended her nursing career.

“We do graphite drawings, water colour and colour pencil,” Mrs Favaloro said.  “Docklands is so easily accessible. It takes me only 30 minutes by bus from Doncaster.

“The classes are bringing people to Docklands from Point Cook, Melton, the inner city and Southbank.”

Classes are free except for a $45 annual membership fee to join the U3A.

“That’s great value, when normally you pay $1400 for such a class,” Mrs Favaloro said.

The U3A is a self-help, voluntary, not-for-profit uni. There are no exams, and no awards. It’s just learning, meeting people and having fun.  

For details, visit http://www.u3a.org.au

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