Docklands, the urban fantasy

Docklands, the urban fantasy

By Alison Kinkade

It is somewhat fitting that crime-writer Lindy Cameron will be one of the first novelists to address the new Docklands Writers Group on November 10.

Lindy, whose first novel was published in Australia in 1998 by Harper Collins and featured Docklands, is two-thirds of the way through her sixth novel, an urban-fantasy also set in Docklands.

“My latest novel is about three or four parallel universes, with the main two being set in Docklands – one universe as Docklands is today and the other a separate world set around a school which has been wedged into it.”

The book, which Lindy said was likely to be called Spectrum, follows three main teenage characters from the alternate Docklands universe as they time-travel, as well as visit the real Docklands in order to save the world.

“The real Docklands may not be all as it seems either. There might be one thing which isn’t quiet the same but everything else will be and it will be clearly identifiable,” Lindy said.

An established fiction and non-fiction crime-writer, with a three-part series published in America, Spectrum will be Lindy’s first urban fantasy novel, but not necessarily her last.

“I’ve always loved fantasy novels and grew up reading books like the Famous Five so it just seemed like a natural progression.”

A member of crime-writers support group, Sisters of Crime, along with Rose Mercer, the host of the Docklands Writers Group, Lindy can see great benefit in writers’ groups.

“I’m involved in a few writers’ groups and they’re fantastic for fostering great writers and finding new-up-and-coming writers who may have otherwise fallen through the cracks,” she said.

Lindy has now set up her own publishing company, Clan Destine Press and hopes to discover the next-big-thing through her involvement in writers’ groups.

The Docklands Writers Group will be held every week at The Hub starting on October 6, to help foster new and established writers in Docklands.

For more information on the writers group, contact Rose on [email protected].

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