Docklands team finds touch

Docklands team finds touch

Docklands residents and workers have joined forces to create what is possibly Docklands first touch-rugby team – the SevenNABcombo.

The team played its first game on May 26 and, despite possibly losing the game, was fortunate due to a lack of score-keeping by the referees, to negotiate a draw.

Team captain and Channel 7 Today Tonight reporter, Lynda Kinkade, said she put the call out for players about two weeks ago.

“We have around 12 players who are predominately Channel 7 reporters and producers, as well as NAB managers, an Aussie Farmers Direct accountant, a lawyer and a doctor. So should we have any financial, legal or injury troubles we’ve got ourselves covered,” Lynda said.

Lynda said she and her colleagues decided to play touch-footy as it was a fun way to meet people, get fit and socialise outside of work.

“We have a fantastic team - the fitness is there, the enthusiasm is there, now we just need to work out the rules!”

The team plays every Wednesday night at Albert Park and Lynda said new players and supporters were always welcome.


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