Congestion to ease

Congestion to ease

VicRoads last month removed CityLink signage on Spencer St, which directed drivers to turn down LaTrobe St to reach the tollway, after ‘Docklands News’ pointed out the illogical location of the sign.

Located on scaffolding near the Victoria Police complex under construction on the corner of LaTrobe and Spencer St, the sign defied common logic, which suggests the most direct route to CityLink is via Dudley St to Footscray Rd.

A VicRoads spokesperson said: “The sign will be removed but not relocated, as there is already a CityLink sign at the intersection of Spencer St and Dudley St, which directs traffic through Dudley St.”

“The sign is expected to be removed in the coming weeks, after the Easter holiday period.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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