Docklands Primary School Colour Run 2024

Docklands Primary School Colour Run

On April 24 the sirens blared, signifying the start of the 2024 Colour Run!

This adventurous event was set up by our principal Mr Bright with the help from parent volunteers and our amazing teachers to raise money to build a heavily requested playground for our school.

As the Grade Fives and Sixes started running, colour was being thrown from all directions and their previously pale shirts were transformed.

There were many other activities, such as hurdles, hoola hoops and even a rainbow parachute you were able to run under.

As the sirens were heard again, all the runners went back to their portion of the field. This process was repeated by all the other classes, but it never got boring.

And to wrap up the colour run, the Grade Sixes happily assisted, along with the Preppies, to make it one of the more magical moments for both Grades alike!



So, just like that the Colour Run had finished! But that didn’t mean there still wasn’t any fun left in store. We all turned our attention to Mr Bright … then, SPLASH! He was covered in bright green slime, with our four school captains hovering over him with an empty bucket.

We would like to thank all volunteers, staff, and parents for creating one of the most memorable days for Docklands Primary School students. •


Written by Docklands Primary School student Aletheia Wong. Photos by Marcela Lehocka.

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