Docklands Primary adds a kindergarten

Docklands Primary adds a kindergarten

A $10 million kindergarten addition to Docklands Primary School was announced on July 22 as part of the state government’s pledge to ditch “double drop-offs”.

Minister for Education James Merlino and Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) CEO Chris Keating made the announcement at the Docklands Primary construction site on July 22. Mr Merlino said the upgrade would cater for 66 three- and four-year-old kindergarten students.

“This means children living in Docklands will not only get the best start to life at kinder, they’ll also get the most out of their primary education at a great new local school,” Mr Merlino said.

“Families are flocking to Docklands.”

The $10 million is in addition to $48 million already allocated towards the primary school, making it one of the most expensive of the government’s planned new schools.

The Andrews government went to the last election with a promise that every primary school being built from 2021 would feature a kindergarten on-site or next door “to ensure children can get continuity of education”.

The three-storey vertical school will also cater for 525 primary students when it opens in 2021.

The kindergarten will be on the second level of the building and include two kindergarten rooms, administration areas and an outdoor learning terrace.

Mr Merlino said the challenge to tackle the increasing need for schools in the inner-city meant they needed to be built vertically.

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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