Docklands is heating up

Docklands is heating up

A music festival coming to Docklands next month aims to support new independent artists.

The first “Hot Wave Music Festival” is being organised by Docklands-based company AMG Media and will showcase a range of independent Melbourne musicians.

The free festival will be held at the NewQuay Piazza on March 7 and the company hopes it will also promote Docklands to a wider audience.

AMG marketing manager Rebecca Qiao said the festival would benefit both the musicians and Docklands.

“We wanted to support original, independent musicians,” Ms Qiao said.

“If you asked me to choose one word to describe Melbourne I’d choose art. Walking through the city you find many musical artists who are really good. Sometimes I just want to stand there and listen.”

“We wanted to provide a platform for these artists to perform for larger audience and they’re supporting us as well by performing free of charge.”

Ms Qiao said the company hoped to partner with a charity group and raise money through the event.

Apart from music performances the festival will also feature flash-mobs, public dancing, food and drink stalls.

“The event is going to be very family friendly,” Ms Qiao said.

“Our office is in Docklands and we really love the area.”

“We want to promote Docklands, promote our companies and support independent musicians and original music.”

The Hot Wave Music Festival will run from 12pm – 11pm on Saturday March 7 at the NewQuay Piazza.

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