Docklands Fashion Week

Docklands Fashion Week

Melbourne Fashion Week has two Docklands events on this month! Check out the details below.

Fashion Capsule at Collins Square


A giant balloon sculpture by MOONSHOT BALLOONS will complement precious works by jewellers and accessory makers.

A mass of modern gargoyles looks down upon a cabinet of curiosities displaying works and the stories behind the display.

Melbourne Fashion Week’s Fashion Capsules allow you to discover a series of six exhibition capsules scattered across the city.

Each capsule houses innovative creations by Victorian-based fashion installation, digital and video artists, designers, jewellers, artisans and filmmakers.

The Exchange at Knowledge Market



As part of Melbourne Fashion Week, The Exchange at Knowledge Market is proud to present Urban Flâneur: Fashion Reimagines the City.

The live fashion event and exhibition – curated by Dr Tarryn Handcock and Dr Tassia Joannides – features work by a selection of RMIT University Bachelor of Fashion third year students.

Urban Flâneur is an exhibition of site-responsive fashion design that highlights relationships between fashion and flâneurie in urban memory and imagination. By walking the city and studying its inhabitants, the designers celebrate the vibrancy and flux of this area and its community.

“The curatorial vision is based on the idea of the designer as flâneur, which is someone who wanders and observes the city and its participants, but we are also interested in how fashion can create immersive site-specific experiences for the audience,” Dr Handcock said.

The exhibition documents a live fashion event that responds to the culture and environment of Victoria Harbour. Runway footage is accompanied by fashion photography, a selection of innovative garments, unique soundscapes, and images of the places that inspired the work.

“Dr Tassia Joannides and I are interested in how fashion is a social phenomenon that’s on bodies, on the streets and out in public,” Dr Handcock said.

“For us, Victoria Harbour is a fascinating starting point for fashion. It’s not yet a place that’s known for having a strong sense of identity, and it’s not a place that many people would expect to encounter innovative fashion design.”

“Yet the emerging designers who we have included in this exhibition for Melbourne Fashion Week have all been inspired by the community and environment in this particular area of Docklands.”

Exhibition attendees are encouraged to follow in these designers’ footsteps using a map of key sites around Victoria Harbour and instructions. By becoming flaáneurs, we can all experience and appreciate the city in a different way.

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