I reiterated that we want community consultation.

I reiterated that we want community consultation.

Greetings everybody.  We are all looking forward to more warmer weather!

Following my letter on behalf of the DCA to both the City of Melbourne and VicUrban requesting consultation on proposed community facilities, I was invited to meet with VicUrban managers on August 23.  They advised that the community facilities, projects including the school, community centre and library are now the responsibility of the council which will also respond to us shortly. I reiterated that we want community consultation before any developer scheme is approved.

VicUrban did however provide information on a few matters. A number of developers are under consideration for the construction of the facilities. VicUrban’s preferred site for the school is on the Esplanade to the north of the Customs building, whilst the indicated site for the community/library building is behind the ANZ building.

They also propose to put a volley-ball court on a section of Docklands “Park” near the NAB or near The Hub. This is not much in terms of recreation facilities, again apparently due to lack of open space. Hopefully the development of Western Park, when it occurs, will provide more, including tennis courts and adequate space to kick a ball around.  Other proposals include a small garden pavilion at the rear of the Serrata development.

VicUrban also proposes to utilise the old tram tracks area on Harbour Esplanade by covering it with grass and providing garden seats. This sounds good. Timed for later this year I think.

VicUrban tabled a layout of traffication measures designed to improve flow, including traffic volume detection and lights sequencing, which they say has already improved the egress from Bourke Street.

I stated that given the good improvements, the additional buildings coming on stream will add to the congestion, including side streets.  Clearly, the authorities continue to promote the use of public transport and it was mentioned that some new buildings will provide no car spaces at all.  It is difficult to see how this will solve everything. People still drive vehicles.

On the question of how many high-rise buildings are allowed to be built on a given area, the indicated answer is there is no limit under current laws. The question arose because MAB has erected seven with an eighth to come, all within a distance of approximately 300 metres in NewQuay, making it like Hong Kong.   

This results in a curtailment of sunlight, obstruction of views, increasing wind tunnel effects and increased traffic congestion. But there seems nothing we can do about it, which is not good enough.

A comment at the meeting that Docklands is just an extension of the CBD and that high-rise residents in the CBD don’t have much in the way of community facilities may throw light on the VicUrban approach to planning.

I replied that Docklands is a showcase on the water, which provides the opportunity for modern urban planning and provision of open space and attractive facilities.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us at [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website http://www.docklandscommunityassociation.com

Good to be in touch again.  We’ll keep batting for the area.

Roger Gardner
President DCA

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