Greetings everybody

Greetings everybody

Trust you are well and have managed to avoid the winter viruses.

Short stays / serviced apartments

The panel ultimately went through 13 options without general agreement on any. A majority ended up signing off on two options, namely, serving breach notices [already provided for] and secondly providing legislation to enable OCs to have  some control, but to what extent? The problem has been increased by the emergence of international operators such as Airbnb and Stayz, who do not have local supervision.

Ministers’ representatives have asked to meet up in early September to again review options and our views when I will repeat our recommendation for a ban of any renting under seven days. This is well under overseas bans of a minimum of 30 days, but is considered a compromise to enable lettings for family holidays and business short trips whilst, at the same time, putting a ban on weekend parties, which are the main source of problems.

We think this is a reasonable position to take. Unfortunately business interests did not agree, opposing any duration bans. However how do you control the problems otherwise?  You don’t, which is why bans have been brought in overseas. To suggest that residents should be allowed to use their apartments for any lawful use is avoiding the question. Residents do not trash their own apartments that they live in, nor hold out of control parties. Even the police have stated that short stays are used for drug use.
So the only way to control the situation is to limit the duration to seven days.

Rubbish on harbour edges

We have heard nothing further on the problem and will follow-up with Places Victoria who we understand have responsibility for the edges of waterways as distinct from the open areas which belong to council who have different traps for the purpose.

To quote from advice from council: You are right in saying that City of Melbourne is responsible for litter removal in Victoria Harbour.  However, the Esplanade shoreline, up to the edge of the piles, is the responsibility of Places Victoria.  Unfortunately, when there are westerly winds, more litter moves into the harbour from the Yarra River and this tends to collect at the edges and corners.

As you are aware, the area around the Esplanade shoreline is difficult to clean because of the piles.  We understand that Places Victoria intends to increase the frequency of their cleaning.  They are also trialling other ways of removing the litter or preventing the litter from getting in among the piles.

In relation to the Moonee Ponds Creek corridor, we understand that Melbourne Water is responsible for the riparian zone.  For some years, Places Victoria engaged the CoMs contractor to provide basic maintenance services of the land beyond the riparian zone on the eastern side of the creek between the mouth and Footscray Rd.  In recent times, the area near the mouth of the creek has been fenced off due to construction activity and access has not been possible for the services.  It has also been clarified that the strip of land, from the western dripline of Bolte Bridge to the creek belongs to the Port of Melbourne.
We will follow-up.

Better Apartments

I and two others from the Owners Corporation Network Victoria will attend workshops on September 1 and September 17. In the July column I repeated some telling facts from council concerning  widespread deficiencies in building quality and it is to be hoped that improvements will result from these workshops.


The Friday night fireworks continued through July and August.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]. We’re also on Facebook.

If you would like to contact me about any aspect or becoming a committee member you are welcome to email as above.

Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

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