Well there’s never a dull moment!


Greetings everybody

Firstly, we happened to find out from an outside source that MAB Corporation is trying on the quiet to get Places Victoria to change the Master Plan for NewQuay East to allow them to build taller residential towers instead of shorter commercial buildings on Docklands Drive at the rear of the existing residential towers including the Arkley and Palladio. Is there no end to what some are calling the greed?

The buildings would be separated only by the 10 metre wide Caravel Lane. Clearly this change would bring major problems including lack of privacy as residential buildings are occupied 24/7 whereas commercial only during working hours and not weekends. Other problems arising from cramming include overshadowing, loss of views, traffic congestion and further loss of open space.

This overcrowding, unlike anything else in Docklands, would result in 10 high-rise towers within an area of about 400 m by 100-150m – nine of which would be residential. We will end up with a wind-swept concrete jungle! This is a disgrace!

Whilst the health of retail /business is important, the welfare and amenity of residents – increasing to some 2000 in NewQuay, is not to be ignored or belittled. If you permit residential buildings then you have to provide for residential welfare.  Until now, resident welfare has been treated as irrelevant.

If we hadn’t found out about this latest MAB proposal, it would have quietly been approved by Places Victoria like everything before and residents would have been told nothing.   The breast-beating by the authorities about the need for community consultation is at times utter hypocrisy.

Upon finding out, I requested a meeting with Places Victoria to obtain details and a few of us are meeting with a senior manager shortly. I would like to thank Peter Clarke, PV Chairman, for arranging this. I’ll keep you informed.

The Southbank Residents Group met with the Lord Mayor and council officers to object to similar cramming problems there but with a disappointing response.

We will be requesting a meeting with council to clarify what their role and powers are in development approvals.

As a result of mounting concern in Melbourne over the loosening and inadequacy of the planning legislation and the dictatorial attitude of the Minister, an idea is brewing for a mass protest.  The idea is yet to be progressed. Mass action is seen as necessary as small, localised protests get nowhere.

The Docklands Community and Place Guide issued by Council / PV provides interesting reading and has many good amenity ideas for our area including a couple of multi-use sports courts [no tennis courts though] near the Hub, a boating centre, ferries etc.

An intriguing item briefly mentioned is an exhibition place at the corner of NewQuay Promenade and the Esplanade. We believe it is actually a place for the developer MAB to display art – presumably approved by important friends as a lasting commemoration to their “achievements” in the area. 

One item that we are totally against is a proposal to place old cargo sheds on the Esplanade. This would hardly present a welcoming vista to visitors on what needs to be a redeveloped open showpiece. I know that a senior person in PV also opposes the idea and wants a linear park along the stretch, which we support.

Members of the DCA committee met with Cr Louey to review matters including the above Community and Places Guide. We believe that the construction of the Library/ Community Centre will begin later this year.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]   

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website http://www.docklandscommunityassociation.com

P.S. Due to members relocating and illness, etc. we are in need of more committee members – not a big job! We meet only bi-monthly. If interested give me a call.

Regards to all

Roger Gardner
President  DCA

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