Community discussions

Community discussions

Presentations and community discussions are going on around Melbourne about the Melbourne Planning Strategy which has been put out by the State Government’s Department of Planning and Community Development and Minister Guy.

It is a wide-ranging ideas list for the future for Melbourne over the next 40 or 50 years covering everything - socio-economics, infrastructure, culture, employment, climate change and so on – with a lot of generalities.

A forum for Melbourne communities was organised by the department, to be held in our own backyard on Saturday, March 2 at the Peninsula Shed 14 Central Pier.  

DCA members were notified in advance to enable attendance if they wished. A central city forum also is to be held in the Yarra meeting room in the Town Hall on Tuesday, March 19.

This has been organised by the Southbank and City East Enders resident groups with the DCA invited to support.  

I suggested to the chairs of those groups that it would be more beneficial for them and us to have combined action on issues of immediate interest and concern such as the Minister’s easing of planning controls, car parking shortage, open space, traffic management and high-rise development.  This will be the subject of further discussion.

I am meeting with officers of Places Victoria shortly to obtain supporting data for the need for a school in Docklands to help the DCA submit a letter of request to the State Government in support of the call.

Docklands has a severe shortage of car parking availability. Some residents are not provided with car spaces with their only option being paid parking which is totally unreasonable.

This has highlighted the fact that the council does not provide resident parking permits in Docklands as it does in other areas. Sure ours is a high-rise area with resident car spaces provided in many buildings but permits should be provided for those that don’t. The DCA will take this up with the council.

Whilst on the subject, the shortage of car parking unfortunately will only get worse as more development takes place and more open space is built on. The problem is aggravated by the fact that most buildings do not provide visitor parking.

Council’s policy is to encourage use of public transport and bicycles, which doesn’t really help grandma when she comes to visit or most other visitors.  Perhaps Places Victoria could buy back some of the unbuilt-on areas!  Well, just a thought.

It is disappointing to see Peter Clarke having to step down as chairman of Places Victoria. He was a “friend at court” for us. He was prepared to talk with us, look into things and arrange meetings.

He was the one who told me he supported a linear park for the Esplanade but would not support putting old cargo sheds on there, which many of us are also against. We hope his view will be continued but we don’t know now.

We will continue however to push the issue. A polite request made last year to meet the new chair was not responded to.

Regarding the Waterfront City development by MAB Corp, in talking around, most seem to agree that the proposed hotel should be built at the rear of the area where the big tent used to be [in case you didn’t know, it has been pulled down].

This would allow the piazza area with its facilities down to the water to continue to be used for events.  Large events held there recently include the Carols by Candlelight and the Japanese cultural festival both of which attracted some 10,000 people.

It would be bad to see the hotel built on that front iconic area when it doesn’t have to be!

The next meeting of Owners Corporation Chairs of buildings in the city and Docklands will be held on March 7.

The DCA has OC chairs on its committee. Issues overlap. The guest speaker will be the vice-chair of the Owners Corporation Network of NSW.

The DCA is looking at organising a BBQ in Docklands Park in late April.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]    

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.  You can also keep up with things on our website

PS Due to members relocating and illness etc we are always interested in more possible committee members – not a big job! We meet only two-monthly. If interested give me a call. Thank you to those who have already applied.

Regards to all

Roger Gardner
President  DCA

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