Greetings  everybody


Best wishes for a happy and successful year in 2015!  We’re going to be busy!

Consumer Affairs Victoria has advised that the updated rules of the DCA adopted at the AGM in November have been approved and became effective in January. They confirm that the DCA is a resident association. Essentially,

our rules follow the model rules laid down under the Act, except for election procedures where the rules that have been in use for the last seven years have been retained.

Our Christmas party held on December 10 was a great night. Prizes donated by eight local businesses totalled nearly $1000.  Thank you to them. They are listed with logos on our Facebook page. Thirty new members also signed up. Also not forgetting the fireworks on Australia Day night – great display.

Esplanade re-development
Our campaign against the Places Victoria/council sheds/pavilions plan received a “shot in the arm” when I was contacted by a major developer who agrees with us and intends to take the matter up with the council.

He supports the idea of a linear park. We intend to canvass other key businesses to obtain their responses. A key restaurant has also supported our linear park proposal.

This continues to be a major problem in Docklands and seems to be increasing. We have received a number of complaints from residents recently, not only because of ground noise but also of rowdy behaviour and vandalism, including hand rails being pulled off and thrown in the water.

They are onto Monument Park and the slopes on the installations. We suggested to council in December that a “no skateboarding” sign be put there.

Council and the police say there is no law against skateboarding but action can be taken against disturbances or vandalism. Council has agreed to patrol the affected areas at times including Victoria Harbour near Dock 5; the difficulty being to catch them in the act.

For this purpose it is suggested that residents keep a log of place and times to show any patterns to report and also to report as it happens – to council and, more serious cases, to the police. The same applies to hoon driving around the area, which is a police matter.

Waterways clearing of rubbish
Residents have also been complaining about the rubbish that accumulates along the waterfront edges. We see the traps for collection on the accessible waterways but not the shorelines, particularly at the rear of pylons.

Council has responded that its boat contractor cleans where accessible every day except on Sundays – unless there are storms. Some of the debris that comes down the Yarra River is swept into Victoria Harbour. The staff on the boat also have nets that they use to scoop up accessible litter in corners and edges.  Over the years, a lot of litter has gathered under the old wharves.  Some of these wash in and out with tidal movements and present a continuing challenge. 

In regard to the litter gathered along the water’s edge at Harbour Esplanade, this is the responsibility of Places Victoria.  This has become a noticeable problem with the works carried out. Places Victoria says it has identified a viable solution, which will be implemented shortly.

Ron Barassi Snr [Western] Park
Residents got a shock recently to see a long section of Docklands Drive from the tram terminus to the bridge closed off, dug up and built over. Upon enquiring of Places Victoria, it stated this has been planned for some time to extend the park area.

Whilst this is fine, we replied that it is not detailed on their website and that layouts including the Community and Place Plan do not show the road diversion. The residents/community had not been informed which was not good enough.

The last time a possible diversion was advised to us was three years ago when the Melbourne Football Club was considering putting a training facility there but dropped the idea. Places Victoria have agreed to provide updates in future.

Coming events
A list provided by council showing events out through July has been emailed to members. It is quite extensive.

If any reader would like to become a member of the DCA or has any suggestions they wish to put forward regarding activities or issues, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]. We’re also on Facebook.

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect or becoming a committee member you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

Regards to all
Roger Gardner
President DCA

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