Season’s greetings from the DCA


Firstly, on behalf of myself and the DCA committee may I wish you a merry Christmas and a happy and safe New Year!

Please ensure you and a partner or friend or by yourself if you like come to our great Christmas party on Wednesday, December 10 at Harbour Kitchen on the Victoria Harbour Promenade next to the NAB. Free for members. 

Only $10 per head for non-members to sign-up. Venue and a range of savouries provided, drinks at bar prices. Spread the word. Invite your neighbours.

Our AGM held at the old Hub building on November 13 was a successful night. The guest speaker Prof Michael Buxton, head of Environment and Planning at the RMIT, and well-known commentator and critic, provided an informative insight into planning processes and how to take up issues.  Michael Buxton is not related to the MAB developers.

In terms of the agenda, the updated rules as required under the updated Act were adopted by a large majority. They state and formalise that membership is open to and for residents.

This recognises what has been the case in practice that virtually all applicants for membership have been and are residents. It also brings us into line with other community/resident associations. Businesses on the other hand are covered by the Chamber of Commerce, with whom we liaise. Business owners and workers who are residents are of course eligible and welcome.

As well, the existing committee and office bearers were re-elected.

Following the recent fire in the high-rise behind Etihad, councillors have asked for our comments on a proposal to introduce guidelines relating to use and maintenance of balconies in residential buildings.

OC house rules, in my experience, do specify rules for balconies.

These state, for example not to hang towels, washing or clothes, not to throw butts over and not to leave out unsecured items and to keep clean and tidy. Unfortunately these rules are not well policed. A problem is that building managers can’t see what’s on balconies in their own buildings but that shouldn’t stop them from going next door at times to have a look across.

In view of the above occurrence, guidelines should include prohibition of hazardous material or storage. Having said that, we extend our sympathy to the affected residents.

All of a sudden we’re being showered with promises – anybody would think there’s an election happening! The Labor candidate has promised a review of the short-stay issue, whilst the Greens candidate has promised to introduce a bill to regulate the industry and ban short-stays under 28 days.  We also have a recent letter from CAV stating they are considering appropriate legislation.

I have been given a preview of Places Victoria’s plans for Harbour Esplanade which still include sheds and pavilions with some space in between. They have no intention of putting in a linear park. We’re not happy with that to say the least. Because it is a ground level development, it does not require ministerial approval .

Our comment on the wave pool idea: intriguing and possibly a good attraction provided it wouldn’t interfere with boat movements.

Bluescope Steel has just advised us that they will be ceasing operations of their terminal in the E-Gate railway yards effective July 31, 2015. This will in part make way for the re-development of the rail yards planned by the State Government.

We have ramped up our website and we’ve opened a Facebook page. The DCA Facebook page is now up and running! If you have a Facebook account please “Like” our page:

If anyone would like to become a member or has suggestions, they are welcome to contact us on [email protected]

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect or becoming a committee member you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

Roger Gardner

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