Docklanders take to share bikes

Docklanders take to share bikes

Docklands is truly a cycling suburb, with one of the highest take-ups of share bikes in Melbourne.

According to a spokesperson from RACV, which operates the program, 225 Docklands residents have share bike subscriptions, making up approximately 10 per cent of total subscriptions.

Additionally, about 10 per cent of all rides originate from Docklands. In contrast the average amount of departures from stations outside of Docklands is less than 2 per cent.  

And Docklands’ ANZ and NAB stations are the two top stations in terms of subscriber use.

Local worker Sachin said he had an annual subscription and used the sharebikes everyday to get to work and to travel between offices throughout the city.

Sachin said the sharebikes were a great service. “It’s very handy,” he said.

Roads Minister Terry Mulder visited the NAB bike station in March to announce a trial of free helmets.

Mr Mulder announced that 200 helmets would be circulated throughout the bike share system over the following three months.

“Just as the bikes are moved around the network daily, to manage demand, the same will apply for the free helmets, ensuring some are available at most stations and are being cleaned and checked regularly,” Mr Mulder said.

The Melbourne bike share scheme currently consists of 51 bike stations and 600 bikes.

Docklands is home to seven bike share stations located at Docklands Drive, NewQuay Promenade, NAB, ANZ and North Wharf and Yarra’s Edge.

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