Work, rest and play

Work, rest and play

For Harry Nguyen Docklands is a place of work, rest and play.

Harry has worked in Docklands for the past five years as a quantity surveyor.

Having moved into an apartment in Docklands six months ago, Harry is now enjoying Docklands from a different perspective.

Harry said he liked the view from his apartment, which looks over Docklands Park, as it gave his home a feeling of spaciousness.

Harry has also enjoyed getting involved with the local community and will soon be running meditation sessions at The Hub.

Harry has practised Buddhist meditation for the past 13 years and said the main concept of meditation was mindfulness.

“Mindfulness is the energy of being aware of the present moment,” Harry said.

“Most of the time our mind is somewhere else, not together with our body.”

Harry said meditation helped to bring the mind and the body together, increasing awareness of the present moment.

Harry believes this practice can be applied to various areas of our lives including our relationships with family, friends and colleagues.

According to Harry, aspects of day-to-day life, such as smart phones and other technology, can be distracting and often mean we aren’t always completely present when engaging with others.   

He said meditation encouraged active listening, which combated this symptom of modern life.

Harry said meditation could also increase productivity in the workplace as it cleared the mind, leading to better focus and concentration.  

“There has also been a lot of research which shows that the mind and the body have a strong link,” Harry said.

Harry believes practising meditation creates a healthy mind, which in turn leads to a healthier body.

Harry will be holding weekly meditation sessions at The Hub on Wednesday nights from the 1st of November. The sessions will run from 7pm until 9pm.

A public talk by Buddhist brothers Phap Ung and Phap Khai will also be held at The Hub on October 18 from 7.30 until 9.30pm.

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