The little bent tree

The little bent tree

Once upon a time there was a little Norfolk Pine tree growing up on a tree farm.

The little trees had a wonderful life.  They played together and the kindly farm owner fed and watered them regularly.

They all knew that one day, when they were big and strong, they would be taken somewhere new, where they would make new lives for themselves.

One day a delivery truck arrived with a crane.   The little trees were so excited and chatted frenetically amongst themselves.

“Where could we be going?” one asked.  “What joy it will be to join the outside world and play our role in society,” said another.

“We’re going to the beach,” they all sang in unison.

After quite a long journey, the truck turned into Harbour Esplanade in Docklands, where about 12 pines had recently died.

“Oh no,” they shrieked.  “Not Docklands.  Anywhere but Docklands!”

Some of the little tree’s friends where planted in relatively sheltered spots.  But our little tree was popped right in the path of the maddening wind tunnel caused by The Conder building at NewQuay.

Council workers put him in a hole, filled it in and went away.  They had to come back soon though, because the little tree was bending so much, he nearly blew out of his hole.

This time the council workers came with poles and strapping to restrain the little tree – much like a deranged human might be put into a straight jacket.

Now, when the wind blows, it just bends the little tree at severe and painful angles.

Will he be able to grow up tall and strong?  In a fairytale, it might happen.  In Docklands it doesn’t seem likely.

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