District welcome for students

District welcome for students

By Kevin Jingga

Exclusive retailer discounts, 60 exhibitors and live entertainment marked the first Docklands International Student Welcome Festival (ISWF) on March 16 and 17.

For the first time, The District Docklands presented the 2019 ISWF to welcome and support international students.

Exhibitors ranged from educational, accommodation, entertainment interests to student associations keen to help international students adapt to the new environment.

Nearly 20 businesses offered special offers during the two-day event including the Melbourne Star Observation Wheel and the O’Brien Icehouse.

The festival also presented games, live music and dance performances.

“I enjoyed it. It’s like everyone gathers together and celebrate this festival,” Julie, an RMIT international student, said.

“Sometimes international students do not always gather together and are separated among the universities, so this activity is kind of like gathering us together.”

Holly, another RMIT foreign student said: “I’ve never been here before and this festival brought me here. I ended up winning this cute thing through the chopstick games.”

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