Design project lasts one week

Design project lasts one week

A wind-mitigating, design project has been short-lived with Places Victoria (formerly VicUrban) removing the structure after it was vandalised within a week.

Chroma, by Edwards Moore Architects won first prize in a Places Victoria-sponsored competition in July to enhance and activate the pedestrian thoroughfare along 50 metres of Collins St Bridge in Docklands.

Places Victoria contributed $25,000 towards the installation of the piece which went up on October 12.  But it was removed on October 17 after suffering weekend vandalism.

Commenting on the Docklands News website on October 12, “Paul” said: “This project is being installed and it’s already horribly flawed!  The acrylic (not UV stable) sections aren’t finished well so the edges are sharp. It’s also a brittle plastic, so I’d say it’ll be vandalised within a few days, missing sections will make it look awful. Not to mention the danger to pedestrians when it’s windy, they bend a lot, so it’ll be a serious hazard to people’s heads.”

Places Victoria's  general manager for Docklands Simon Wilson said: “The winning submission was installed on Wednesday 12 October, however the artwork was vandalised over the weekend, posing a risk to the public and the decision was made to remove it.”

“Places Victoria is working with the architect and wind mitigation experts to further investigate whether the design can be developed for longer-term installation,” Mr Wilson said.

“The final installation is intended to improve the pedestrian amenity along this main thoroughfare, while providing some wind mitigation.”

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