CWA recruiting in Docklands

CWA recruiting in Docklands

It might sounds incongruous, but the Country Women’s Association (CWA) is seeking new members in Docklands.

Its Port Phillip branch was started last year and is actively seeking new members to build social connections, learn and share skills, and support community in the cities of Port Phillip and Melbourne.

The association will turn 90 this year and wants to reach the 9000-member mark to celebrate the occasion. At its peak, the CWA had 30,000 members but has fallen away to recently number just 5600.

Spokesperson Libby Jenkin told Docklands News the new branch had 10 members and was keen for more.

“The branch is young, vibrant and has interests ranging from cooking, craft and social issues,” she said. “The members also have a passion for sharing skills.”

Contact the branch at [email protected] or visit its Facebook page for information and events: 

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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