Cranking up a free brekky

Cranking up a free brekky

More cyclists participated in Docklands’ Ride to Work Day than ever before with an estimated 400 taking advantage of a free breakfast and other activities on October 12.

Active Melbourne City Sports hosted the event with local businesses NAB, Ericsson, Medibank, Shotz Sports Nutrition and Carrick Education.

Events and marketing manager Sandra Vernuccio said Lend Lease also helped out by providing massages for riders.

“The Docklands Ride to Work breakfast gets bigger each year with more cyclists embracing a healthier and environmentally-friendly mode of transport,” Ms Vernuccio said.

“The Docklands breakfast has so much to offer with local businesses contributing and getting involved in this great community initiative.”

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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