Councillor second term report card

Councillor second term report card

At the end of year two of the current council, CBD News assesses the performance of Melbourne's 11 councillors.

Lord Mayor Sally Capp

Brand new to local government, Cr Capp is “learning on the job” but is covering deficiencies with sheer enthusiasm and hard work. Exhausting to watch, she hasn’t stopped running. And, being approachable, energetic, charming, open and welcoming, what’s not to like? Cr Capp wanted the job more than her election rivals and is now using her incumbency to work towards the 2020 election (tensions emerging on this).

Deputy Lord Mayor Arron Wood

Cr Wood impressed during the immediate post-Doyle era – rising to the challenge and steering an unsteady ship into calmer waters. Has grown in confidence and stature and is becoming more measured in response and when under pressure. Is increasingly assuming the role of the wise old head within the chamber – a mean feat for a young man.

Cr Nicholas Frances Gilley

Is taking the role more seriously now that he knows more about how it all works. Has embraced the role of chair of transport and contributes welcomed and considered insights to debates.

Cr Philip Le Liu

Hard to read on policy matters. Sometimes fickle but attempts to represent business interests. Needs to work on his verbal communication.

Cr Rohan Leppert

Far more relaxed since the Doyle exit now that policy positioning has become fluid. Was bruised by a poor showing in the lord mayoral election and has adopted a more politically mercenary approach. Still the preeminent intellect in the council chamber.

Cr Kevin Louey

Nothing to report (but that doesn’t necessarily mean nothing’s happening).

Cr Cathy Oke

Steady in the job. Is loving her international leadership role on climate mitigation. Some constituents would prefer she spent more time on roads, rates and rubbish.

Cr Beverley Pinder

Has returned without the constraints of having to answer to Robert Doyle. Confidence is up and is enjoying the job. Working hard on “the people” portfolio.

Cr Nicholas Reece

The planning chair is also enjoying the freedom that a post-Team Doyle world offers. Now has a good understanding of planning. Has become a mainstream media star. Still to reveal why he wanted to be a councillor in the first place – assume training for greener pastures? Is closely aligned with the new lord mayor.

Cr Susan Riley

Another Team Doyle refugee relishing her independence. Is less afraid to contribute to debates.

Cr Jackie Watts

Has gained the most from the realignment of the council in the post-Doyle era. Still remembers past injustices, but is more likely to be collegiate these days. From flying solo in the not-too-recent past, has had a majority of councillors come around to her thinking on the Queen Victoria Market – a remarkable change within 12 months. The renaissance councillor.

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August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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