Boating - Commuter ferry on the horizon

Boating - Commuter ferry on the horizon

The wait for a bay commuter ferry might soon be over, with the State Government working to resolve final issues with the Port of Melbourne.

Planning Minister Matthew Guy told Docklands News the department was in discussion with the port, with a report currently being prepared.

Mr Guy said the department was in negotiation with the port about the operation and interaction between commuter boats and bigger ships.

“We have to make sure the commuter ferries are properly time-tabled, like you do with a passenger train and a freight train on the same line, so they are time-tabled to get in and out without interfering,” Mr Guy said.

He said the department was also in negotiations about increasing the speed limit in the port to more than the current limit of 8 knots but that the ferry service could begin even with the 8-knot speed limit in place.

The department is also studying the wash that would be caused by the ferry service.

According to Mr Guy, once up-and-running, the ferry service would dock at Collins Landing, near the ANZ building.

He said the silting in the area wouldn’t be a problem because the ferries would be light models.

Mr Guy said an announcement about the commuter ferry was likely before Easter and that the ferry operator was keen to begin operating the service.

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