The public input forums conducted by VicUrban for the Docklands Second Decade were well attended.

The public input forums conducted by VicUrban for the Docklands Second Decade were well attended.

I attended the community forum at Waterfront City on July 29 where numerous ideas were put forward for developing Docklands, including such things as resuming the ferry service, converting the end of Central Pier to a public park with marine theme, more public open space and parks, provision of wind breaks, roof gardens, house boats, a theatre and more. VicUrban will review and present proposed plans in due course.

The City of Melbourne’s new Municipal Strategic Statement has also  been released addressing development planning for the whole city area including Docklands in terms of broad policy. The DCA intends to provide comment with members’ input.

There has been a gathering of resident opposition to the proposed building construction on the “Village Green” in Bourke St, being the only sizeable space for community use including games. A Save Our Park movement has been organised by local residents.

Planning for our members’ Christmas party is underway with choice of venues being investigated. The indicated date at this stage is Friday, December 10.  We are also planning to organise a wine and cheese tasting night for around end October, although this is not so easy these days because of licensing laws.

The election of the three additional members to our committee will boost our resources for handling matters, adding ideas and assisting with activities.

Representatives of resident groups including the DCA are meeting the newly-appointed Liquor Licensing Director next week to find out about his views and policies.

I trust you are managing to deal with the temporary disruption due to the Harbour Esplanade works, which seem to be progressing at a good pace.

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

If any member, or reader for that matter, has any suggestions they wish to put forward to the DCA with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on the email address above.

Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch.

Sincerely , Roger Gardner, President DCA

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