The DCA response to the Council’s Melbourne Strategic Statement has been submitted following inclusion of input from members.

The DCA response to the Council’s Melbourne Strategic Statement has been submitted following inclusion of input from members.

Major points by the DCA include objection to any proposed rail bridge linking Webb Dock to the freight terminal abutting Footscray Rd; request for parkland to be set aside across Footscray Rd after the rail terminal is relocated; request for a footbridge across Footscray Rd and provision of wind barriers in open spaces and on or adjacent to high-rise buildings.

The Port of Melbourne Corporation has requested responses to its plans for container freight development. Our proposed response is to repeat our opposition to any freight rail bridge; also to oppose any increased noise affecting residents and oppose any recurrence of unsightly container stacking within sight of Docklands.

On the events front there is the twilight walk on Thursday, October 7 to help the drive against juvenile diabetes. In addition, we are organising a family fun day in the park for Sunday, November 7 to include kiddies games and adult entertainment. Let’s hope the weather’s OK. 

The DCA Christmas party is scheduled for the second week of December although it is difficult to find a suitable venue since council decided to make the Hub an alcohol free zone. We are working on it and will let you know as soon as finalised.

We hope you are continuing to cope with the traffic disruption caused by the Harbour Esplanade works. VicUrban is doing a good job in keeping us regularly updated, which we pass on to members, along with other news as it comes to hand.

I continue to attend monthly meetings of CoRBA, the combined residents’ group, whose main current focus is the planning scheme as it affects other areas of the city – with Docklands being a special case.

If any member, or reader for that matter, has any suggestions they wish to put forward to the DCA with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf they are welcome to do so by contacting us on [email protected]

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch.

If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.

Roger Gardner
President DCA

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