The DCA contributed to and participated in the twilight walk.

The DCA contributed to and participated in the twilight walk.

The DCA contributed to and participated in the twilight walk on October 7 to help the drive against juvenile diabetes.

The Family Fun Day organised by the DCA will be held on Sunday, November 7 in Docklands Park at the Bourke St end from 11am to 3pm. It will include a barbecue and kiddies’ games. Everybody welcome! 

BYO food and drink although the association will supply some sausages, salads, plastic plates and cutlery. Don’t forget to let us know if you are coming by sending email to [email protected].

It will be postponed if the weather is bad with continuous rain.

The Christmas party has been organised for Tuesday, December 7. It will be held at Harbour Kitchen on Victoria Harbour Promenade in the outside pavilion which is a great venue and it promises to be a wonderful night.

More details will be provided later.

DCA members took the opportunity to attend the “Meet the Candidates” night at Victoria Harbour on October 21, organised by the Docklands News – the candidates being for the forthcoming state election.

Questions were asked regarding their views and intentions on Docklands issues including such things as building height limits, parkland provision and ferry services.  One candidate complimented the DCA on its response to the council’s MSS future planning which was published in the Docklands News.

Community liaison representatives from VicUrban and council are meeting with myself on October 25 to review activities and to discuss planning matters.

We will continue to pass on to members information on outside activities such as those provided at the Hub and other places as they come to hand.

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

If any member, or reader for that matter, has any suggestions they wish to put forward to the DCA with respect to activities or issues to take up on their behalf you are welcome to do so by contacting us on [email protected]

Good to talk with you again and we will continue to keep in touch. If you would like to talk to me about any aspect you are welcome to call me on 0412 097 706.


Roger Gardner
President DCA

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