Columns » Owners Corporation Law

Joining the electric vehicle bandwagon

Joining the electric vehicle bandwagon

August 2nd, 2023 - Tom Bacon

In 2022, the sale of electric vehicles (EVs) in Australia accounted for only 3.8 per cent of total sales. However, that number is tipped to soar over the coming years.


Strict time limitation periods for bringing a building defect claim means OCs cannot sit on their hands

June 28th, 2023 - Tom Bacon

An owners’ corporation (OC) owes a strict duty to repair and maintain its common property, and this duty can be enforced by any member of the relevant OC. 

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Think twice and sleep on it before firing off that email complaint to the owners’ corporation chairperson

May 31st, 2023 - Tom Bacon

A Court in Sydney has awarded damages of $120,000 to the elderly chairperson of an apartment block, after a tenant sent an email to him and the other owners in which she asked him to stop emailing her about locking her mailbox.

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Lot owners should choose wisely and seek advice before filing VCAT proceedings

May 3rd, 2023 - Tom Bacon

There has been a sharp rise in the volume of cases filed in VCAT by lot owners against owners’ corporations (OCs) and managers.

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Victoria gets new building laws to clean up the industry

March 29th, 2023 - Tom Bacon

Last month, the Victorian Parliament introduced the Building Legislation Amendment Bill into the lower house, seeking to substantially amend the Building Act and the Architects Act by improving consumer protections for domestic and residential owners.

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Water damage claims expose risk to owners’ corporations

March 1st, 2023 - Tom Bacon

Studies of recent VCAT cases in water damage claims highlight the need for owners’ corporations (OCs) to work faster and work smarter.

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Wet n’ wild comes to high-rise Melbourne

February 1st, 2023 - Tom Bacon

Unfortunately, we are well into storm season in Australia, and the east coast is being battered with its usual fair share of heavy rains and high winds.

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It’s raining election promises, but nothing in sight for owners’ corporations

November 30th, 2022 - Sean Car

What has been most surprising during this most recent election campaign is that there has been no post-election commitment to fund Cladding Safety Victoria (CSV) from either of the major parties.

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Boom, bust and out of here

November 2nd, 2022 - Tom Bacon

More builders and developers will choose to “go bust” instead of being held accountable to owners’ corporations (OCs) for dodgy building defects.

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Sydney’s Mascot Tower and Opal Towers should serve as a warning to Melbourne’s building industry

September 28th, 2022 - Tom Bacon

A downturn in consumer confidence about building standards is the last thing that developers and builders of residential apartment buildings need right now.

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Jumping for joy!

Jumping for joy!

February 27th, 2020 - Docklands News
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