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Our DCA annual general meeting is to take place on Thursday, July 15 on the first floor of the Lend Lease building at 825 Bourke

Our DCA annual general meeting is to take place on Thursday, July 15 on the first floor of the Lend Lease building at 825 Bourke

June 30th, 2010 - Docklands News

Our DCA annual general meeting is to take place on Thursday, July 15 on the first floor of the Lend Lease building at 825 Bourke St. The meeting will be preceded at 7.30pm with a presentation by a Vivas Lend Lease director of the planned next phase of development at Victoria Harbour.  I am sure this will spark interest and discussion. We appreciate the assistance of Lend Lease staff in providing the meeting space and the presentation. Story boards are scheduled for display in the ground floor foyer. Light refreshments will be provided after the meeting. We expect a sizeable attendance and look forward to your company.


We are receiving a lot of literature on events and activities which we are emailing to members.

June 3rd, 2010 - Docklands News

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

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We continue to be concerned at the continuing lack of community consultation.

April 30th, 2010 - Docklands News

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

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Don’t forget the presentation

April 1st, 2010 - Docklands News

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay on [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

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Welcome to our new members.

February 25th, 2010 - Docklands News

Welcome to our new members who have recently joined. Anybody else wishing to join is encouraged to contact Paige Jay at [email protected] who will be happy to assist.

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Membership keeps growing

February 4th, 2010 - Docklands News

Hope you all had a great Christmas and holiday break and welcome to the New Year.

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Our green rooftops

Our green rooftops

December 3rd, 2015 - Docklands News
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