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Greetings everybody

Greetings everybody

March 6th, 2015 - Docklands News

News from the DCA


Greetings  everybody

February 6th, 2015 - Docklands News

News from the DCA

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Season’s greetings from the DCA

December 3rd, 2014 - Docklands News

Season's greetings from the DCA

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News from the DCA

October 31st, 2014 - Docklands News

Firstly, a reminder that the DCA Christmas party will be held on Wednesday December 10, at the same venue as before, namely, Harbour Kitchen on the Victoria Harbour Promenade.  

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News from the DCA

October 2nd, 2014 - Docklands News

Christmas time is approaching again – seems to come around quicker every year. Anyhow it’s good to see the weather warming up! Given that, we’ve scheduled the DCA  Christmas Party for Wednesday, December 10 so put that in your diaries now. Venue to be decided and will be advised later.

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News from the DCA

September 4th, 2014 - Docklands News

On August 4 the Inner Melbourne Planning Association [IMPA], on which the DCA is represented, held a public forum in Federation Square of eminent speakers concerning design quality of new housing and public space in Melbourne.

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News from the DCA

July 4th, 2014 - Docklands News

My column this month is necessarily  short as I am overseas, returning July 8. Right now I am writing this on board ship in the Caribbean near Puerto Rico. It’s Thursday afternoon here, its 30 degrees, the humidity over 80 per cent and it’s good for swimming. Sorry about that, but somebody’s got to do it. Hope it’s not too cold in Melbourne.

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News from the DCA

June 4th, 2014 - Docklands News

The official opening of the community centre and library was held on Saturday, May 31. Everyone was invited and I hope there was a good turn out for this iconic event for Docklands. I had to miss it unfortunately due to being overseas.

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News from the DCA

May 9th, 2014 - Docklands News

News from the DCA

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News from the DCA

April 3rd, 2014 - Docklands News

News from the DCA

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Sporting ambitions put on ice

Sporting ambitions put on ice

June 1st, 2011 - Docklands News
An Alma labour of love

An Alma labour of love

May 4th, 2011 - Docklands News
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