Columns » Abby’s Angle

The Easter bunny is on his way

The Easter bunny is on his way

April 4th, 2014 - Docklands News

Hippity Hoppity here he comes!


Oh, dear Charlotte, no

March 7th, 2014 - Docklands News

As tears bounced off the botoxed cheeks of so many celebrity friends, as sorrow filled the hearts of her followers and supporters, as disbelief was expressed by friend and foe alike, the news was shocking – Charlotte Dawson was dead. At the youthful age of 47, by her own tender hand.

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The year of our lives

February 12th, 2014 - Docklands News

I was feeling so POSITIVE about 2014.

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So this is Christmas…

December 6th, 2013 - Docklands News

“So this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, and a new one just ….” well, just around the corner.

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Write your own story

October 30th, 2013 - Docklands News

I had reason to think about fairy tales and their place in our lives just the other day.

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Time to re-evaluate

October 2nd, 2013 - Docklands News

There’s a little cool breeze that’s lightly touching the back of my neck as I stare at the lengths of green bamboo I’ve just “restyled” the corner of my dining room with.

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This is the most amazing time.

September 3rd, 2013 - Docklands News

It’s that time at the very beginning, when you are full of anticipation. It’s that time when anything feels possible, when the future looks amazing, when you believe that everything you’ve dreamt of could be achieved.

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August? It’s August. How did that happen!?

July 31st, 2013 - Docklands News

The months have just been flying by. It felt like only weeks ago that it was the “new year” and we had grand plans and fabulous goals for the coming months.

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A long way from where I started

May 28th, 2013 - Docklands News

What has happened to me? Seriously, I am getting quite concerned about myself.

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Having the strength to let go

April 30th, 2013 - Docklands News

It’s about forgiveness

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Vertical village strategic futures

Vertical village strategic futures

September 2nd, 2021 - Docklands News
Docklanders at high tea

Docklanders at high tea

May 30th, 2018 - Docklands News
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