Columns » Abby’s Angle

‘‘Live from your heart’’

‘‘Live from your heart’’

March 28th, 2012 - Docklands News

“Live from your heart”. That’s the advice the YouTube video on positive energy will tell you. “Listen to your head” – mum’s advice. “It’s just not meant to be” – apparently that’s a message from the UNIVERSE.


I decided to de-clutter my mind and soul.

February 29th, 2012 - Docklands News

I’ve been doing a lot of cleaning up lately. It’s been strangely exhilarating, a buzz that I certainly wasn’t anticipating.

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Ahh another year begins.

January 31st, 2012 - Docklands News

Well, it’s actually well and truly begun. In fact, one twelfth of it has already passed and we’re rushing headfirst into the serious part of the year.

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Do you feel it?

November 29th, 2011 - Docklands News

There is magic in the air … Sometimes, you catch the scent of it caressing the evergreen needles of the freshly-Scout-cut Christmas trees. Other times you think you over hear its echo interwoven in the excited whispers of the children gathering for their Santa photo and occasionally you can catch the shadow of it on the expressions exchanged between the less fortunate, and the charities that work tirelessly to help them.  

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The tooth fairy is also fairly convincing

November 2nd, 2011 - Docklands News

Karma. It’s basically the belief that you get back whatever you put in. Sort of.  

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There comes a time to say goodbye to things, and sometimes people, in life.

September 28th, 2011 - Docklands News

Perhaps it’s because you’ve outgrown them – shoes or friendships – and realise it really is time to move on to continue on your own path, to allow your own growth. Or perhaps you’ve just never really liked them, they kind of didn’t “fit” properly, and it’s just reached it’s natural conclusion. So it’s binned with a sense of relief.

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I’m writing this angrily. Well, maybe that’s too harsh. Just very cross.

August 31st, 2011 - Docklands News

I’m punching the keys, they’re click clacking louder than usual. A little cloud of dust is hovering over the keyboard, confused at the stirring up of its otherwise very undisturbed and secure position on the keys. It’s mayhem.

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They say a single moment can change your life.

June 29th, 2011 - Docklands News

Sometimes, your life can just be turned upside down, in what feels like the blink of an eye.  

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Sometimes, you’ve just got to take a deep breath

June 1st, 2011 - Docklands News

Sometimes, you’ve just got to take a deep breath, hold it, slowly exhale and let the blood make it’s way from the very tips of your ears and head back into your body, wiggle your fingers and toes, and try to be rational.

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But I did it. By myself. No man required.

May 4th, 2011 - Docklands News

Everything aches. My arms ache, my legs ache, my neck aches. My hands ache, my back aches, even my toe aches. But it’s a good ache. It’s ache

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Congestion to ease

Congestion to ease

May 9th, 2014 - Docklands News
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