Columns » Abby’s Angle

Trust your instincts

Trust your instincts

March 4th, 2013 - Docklands News

I remember “feeling” things with great clarity when I was a very little girl. I have, from time to time, looked back on those days and always been able to brush them aside as being times of cerebral fantasy. Or I have excused it as a case of the mind playing “tricks”.


An extraordinary year

February 4th, 2013 - Docklands News

Isn’t it fantastic?! Are you having a great year too? This year just seems, well, different. New.

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The greatest gift of all

December 4th, 2012 - Docklands News

It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas. Like an awfully lot. Kind of overwhelmingly so – not that I don’t want it to be here already, it’s just that I had a little bit more to do before, well, now.

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It’s getting to be “that time of year”.

October 28th, 2012 - Docklands News

That time of year

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Finding balance

October 1st, 2012 - Docklands News

They say that busy people are happy people. Hmmm. Well, I agree that if you have a purpose, you generally feel a bit happier than when you’re at a bit of a loose end.

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Ego boost

August 28th, 2012 - Docklands News

Ego is an interesting thing – it can drive our actions. It can give us the confidence to achieve our dreams. It can be the pride of our own inner soul. That’s the good kind of ego.

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Feeling so proud

July 31st, 2012 - Docklands News

I am feeling so proud of myself right now.

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We constantly learn in this world

July 3rd, 2012 - Docklands News

We constantly learn in this world. Every day our hearts and our minds are opened to new experiences – some joyful, some painful, some mundane, some uplifting.

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I feel really happy!

May 30th, 2012 - Docklands News

I feel as though a cloud has lifted, or I have woken from a deep sleep and can see clearly again. It’s the most extraordinary feeling, and I have to be honest with you – I don’t know why I’m so happy.

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Trust is something that we should cherish.

May 1st, 2012 - Docklands News

It should be important to us that it is earned – both in its receiving and in its giving. It should be a value that we hold dear. If you say: “I trust them”, those words should speak volumes.  

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Dream a little dream

Dream a little dream

October 1st, 2015 - Docklands News
Buildings open doors to public

Buildings open doors to public

June 30th, 2017 - Docklands News
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