
Play it again Sam

Play it again Sam

February 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

If you’ve ever walked through Harbour Town Shopping Centre, then chances are you’ve heard Sam Kristy’s piano tunes.


Tower 4 cheer

February 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

Letters from locals

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Welcome to 2016, one month has already finished. Have you set some goals for the year? Have you made a start?

February 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

We have been active over the break and have high expectations for the chamber and its members over the coming year.

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It’s all about the locatio

December 3rd, 2015 - Docklands News

Location, location, location

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Vendetta claim

December 3rd, 2015 - Docklands News

I have watched with alarm, over what seems like several years now, the number of news items that have appeared in Docklands News in relation to the Watergate OC short-stay issue involving short-stay operators Docklands Executive Apartments.

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Living a wonderful life

December 3rd, 2015 - Docklands News

We have a finite number of days. Even those of us who may live a blessed life, free from too much pain or illness, accidents or threat, there will still be a day when it ends. A day when our life on earth will be over.

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Dirty habit can also be a very expensive habit

December 3rd, 2015 - Docklands News

How to combat the issues of smoke drift from balconies and the dropping of cigarette butts into units below is no doubt a familiar and frequent talking point for committee members at owners’ corporation meetings.

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Ron Barassi Snr Park kicks goals

December 2nd, 2015 - Docklands News

Kicking goals

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Supreme Court action over pool fees

Supreme Court action over pool fees

October 30th, 2014 - Docklands News
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