
A golden opportunity to re-write the laws

A golden opportunity to re-write the laws

December 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

A golden opportunity to re-write the laws Hoorah – the Victorian Government wants to hear from us about our views on the legislation relating to owners’ corporations.As part of its comprehensive review of consumer property laws, which also include reforms around the sale of land and the regulation of estate agents, property managers and conveyancers, Consumer Affairs has released an options paper setting out a range of possible reforms to the Owners Corporation Act 2006.The options paper will be open for public feedback until December 16 and is available for download from the Consumer Affairs website.I for one, applaud Consumer Affairs’ approach in the way it has set out the issues and questions in the options paper. There is no doubt that the policymakers are giving considered thought to a number of issues that have plagued owners’ corporations for years and they are thinking creatively to help resolve these issues.However, the policy-makers need your help. Without proper community feedback, the government may not get a truly representative and balanced view about the state of our vertical communities. Each owners’ corporation committee ought to be dedicating some time in the next two weeks to put together a submission.Broadly speaking, there are eight areas that have been identified for possible reform. In no particular order, these are the regulation and licensing of owners’ corporation managers, the responsibilities of developers, the decision making process within owners’ corporations, dispute resolution and legal proceedings, the need to treat different sized owners corporations separately, the setting of budgets and determining insurance, the ability to re-develop and terminate owners’ corporations and where retirement villages fit in.Consumer Affairs has asked 66 separate questions in relation to these areas and has suggested various models of reform, taking cues from legislation in NSW, the ACT and Queensland and has also attempted to create its own new models.Some of these models will work very well in Victoria. Others, may not.As the options paper identifies, the current version of the Owners Corporation Act is considered to be a “light touch” regulatory model. However, the increased regulation of owners’ corporations, and therefore greater interference in the property rights of lot owners, is argued to be justified on two grounds.Firstly, lot owners owe a duty to each other to maintain and insure the common property, which includes paying their fees on time as well as enforcing a positive duty to take steps not to harm other lot owners’ amenity and the value of other lots.Secondly, there is a perceived public interest in regulating owners’ corporations to ensure that they are democratically operated and not compromised by factions or cliques.The outcome of this process will see draft legislation being drawn up and presented to Parliament in 2018. If passed, this legislation will likely last at least another 15 years. So, it is vitally important that owners’ corporation committees do not let this deadline expire without putting pen to paper.


End of “apartment” dogs

December 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

The State Parliament is currently reviewing the Domestic Animals Amendment (Puppy Farms and Pet Shops) Bill 2016.

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Join the party

December 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

Our Christmas function is quickly selling out. Join us on Friday, December 9 for a night of acrobatics and humour with the hit show Papillion at the Spiegeltent at the base of the Southern Star.

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Make the right gains over Christmas

December 5th, 2016 - Docklands News

With Andrew Ward

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City Schools for City Kids

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

The State Government announced on Tuesday, October 11 that it is going to buy land to build a primary school in Docklands and also to build new schools in North Melbourne and Fishermans Bend.

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Docklands’ inclusive community is worth the move

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

Chris Silcock and his parents moved from Ringwood to Docklands a year ago and have not looked back. 

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Docklands secret – We have our own Spiegeltent 

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

Yes, can you believe we have our own Spiegeltent? It’s aptly called “Wonderland Spiegeltent”. 

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Some clarification ...

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

Last month I wrote to you about how content I am with my life … My single life, with my busy business plans and tiny family to love. 

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The little bent tree

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

Once upon a time there was a little Norfolk Pine tree growing up on a tree farm.

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Cats of Docklands

October 26th, 2016 - Docklands News

It is not common to see cats walking around the Docklands, but Molly is known as the local “cat in the pram”.

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