College football on the horizon

College football on the horizon

Docklands could host Australia’s first US College Football Bowl next year.

Etihad Stadium last month confirmed it was involved in negotiations to secure the event.

“We are hopeful that within a couple of months we may be in a position to make a formal announcement, which would be tremendously exciting,” Etihad Stadium CEO Paul Sergeant said.

He said there was widespread research to demonstrate than an authentic US College football game would generate massive interest in Melbourne.

“We have little doubt that demand will outstrip supply and we would sell every seat of our stadium,” Mr Sergeant said.

“It will attract tremendous interest locally as well as across Australia and you can see the opportunity for tourists to visit Melbourne for the occasion.”

Mr Sergeant also said Etihad Stadium’s vision for the event involved more than just the game day.

“We can envisage working with our local business and creating some sort of festival experience on or around the Dockland waterfront for the week leading up to the event,” Mr Sergeant said.

Staging the event would involve bringing an entourage of up to 800 people to Melbourne.

“We’re actually talking about two teams with players and support staff, including cheer leaders and a band,” Mr Sergeant said.

If it goes ahead, Etihad Stadium management predicts the event would be held between mid-December 2016 and mid-January 2017.

Stadium management hope to make a further announcement about the event next month.

Improved short stay reforms

Improved short stay reforms

August 28th, 2024 - Sean Car
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