It’s always a good time to join the Docklands Chamber of Commerce.

It’s always a good time to join the Docklands Chamber of Commerce.

Need more money – Start with some curling – 6pm June 2

Come and celebrate the beginning of the cold season at O’Brien Arena. We’ve got ice skating lessons and curling starting from 6pm.

Even if you don’t want to get on the ice, maybe have a laugh at those attempting. You need to check out the newly-renovated St Moritz Café, which overlooks both arenas and will provide the food and drinks for the evening.

From 7pm we will have the City of Melbourne representatives presenting all the latest opportunities, grants and funding available for businesses just like yours. This type of opportunity doesn’t come around very often so change your plans for Thursday, June 2.

Ferries in the harbour

That’s right, Docklands has a ferry service. Thanks to the investment of Port Phillip Ferries, you can now travel from Wyndham Harbour at Werribee South to Docklands in a more relaxing and reliable way. Cruise to work with free Wi-Fi on the blue highway for less than the cost of parking your car.

How much could you get done with reduced stress knowing it will only take one hour and 15 minutes for the cruise to Docklands? Tickets are only $20 return with fares discounted for the first eight weeks from May 16. Leave Wyndham at 6.40am and arrive at Docklands at 7.54am predictably, with no traffic delays.

The ferry seats 400 people with free parking at Wyndham Harbour. For more information go to

Getting more boats moving on Victoria Harbour (a chamber waterways event)

This important event was chaired by chamber president Joh Maxwell.

The Chamber really does appreciate the government providing speakers to talk about this vital issue.

Will Guthrie employed in the land policy area of government, spoke about the development of the Lower Yarra Future Directions Plan. Chris Hardman from Parks Victoria explained his role in the management and support for the government’s direction to have boats on the water.

Kara O’Dwyer, the project manager for the ports and waterways, gave details of the waterways management and local port management reform while Alex Edney, senior manager from Parks Victoria in charge of events on the parks estate, bays and waterways, told us how they are streamlining event approvals on our waterways and also explained how the event approval processes work.

Adam Buchholtz, the waterways program manager, shared the vision for Docklands and, finally, Chris Chesterfield explained the Yarra River Protection Act and how it works.

Chris has been appointed by the State Government to oversee the Yarra River Protection Act project and to make a series of recommendations via a ministerial advisory committee to provide input to the future management and planning environment for the entire 242 kms of the Yarra River.

The chamber is encouraged by the government’s commitment to have one authority within two years to control Melbourne’s waterways, so everyone can enjoy this valuable asset.

Join the chamber today and increase your profile!

The number one Docklands website is the perfect reason to join the Docklands Chamber of Commerce and connect your business to people with like minds who are actively encouraging the development of the Docklands community.

If you have anything you wish to share, or you want to join us simply email: [email protected]  or visit our website

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