Car maintenance is an ACE skill

Car maintenance is an ACE skill

If you don’t know how to change a tyre and wouldn’t know an alternator from a radiator then a free car maintenance workshop in Docklands this month is sure to come in handy.

The Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE) is running the session, which aims to equip attendees with some of the basic skills that all car owners need.

The two-hour session will start with tea and coffee and a presentation about ACE, before attendees will be invited into the workshop to get an up-close, hands-on lesson.

According to ACE business development manager Paul Beutel, the free session is a great opportunity for the organisation to give something back to the community.

The session is open to anyone but Mr Beutel said it might be particularly helpful for people who don’t usually feel comfortable asking questions about car maintenance.

“The information session will provide a relaxed environment where attendees can ask any questions they like,” Mr Beutel said.

ACE marketing portfolio consultant Rachel Corby agreed, inviting local residents and workers to register for the session.

“Come along, check out our facilities and learn some of the basics of car maintenance,” Ms Corby said.

The free session will be held at ACE (located at 1 Batman’s Hill Drive) on Tuesday, April 15 from 6pm to 8pm.

Attendees are asked to register for the session at

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