Shinsei Sushi and Bubble Drink

Shinsei Sushi and Bubble Drink

Nine years in hospitality has given entrepreneur Yew Meng Lee the confidence to open his newest venture, Shinsei Sushi & Bubble Drink in Victoria Harbour.

Located under the NAB building, Yew Meng, along with fellow owners Peter Chan and James Wang, is offering variety on a scale rarely seen in one eatery.

“People get bored, they want to try something different, and our restaurant offers those differences,” Yew Meng explained. “We also cater for different times of year, ice-cream in the summer and the hot food bar in winter.”

Along with variety, Shinsei also specialises in (as the name suggests) Sushi and Bubble drink. “Our sushi is always fresh, and always popular,” Yew Meng said. Again their extensive range is a feature, with 18 types of sushi available.

The bubble drink is actually bubble tea and is something very new for Docklands. There are over 20 flavours of tea, and the bubbles in the bottom of the drink are sure to intrigue many. Yew Meng knows these drinks are rare in Melbourne, but he is urging everyone to try them.

Yew Meng and his partners took over the Shinsei Sushi & Bubble Drink site last August, but knowing they had such a prime location, they wanted everything in the store to be perfect before they opened. It made for a slow process, but when they did open in May 2011, they were sure the setting was right.

The setting is now perfect, and with very reasonable prices (bubble tea starts from $3.50, Sushi from $2.30 and hot food from $8.00), Shinsei Sushi & Bubble drink is sure to become a favourite among the working crowd here in Docklands.

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