Burpies on Collins

Burpies on Collins

By Rhonda Dredge

Not all financial people sit around at lunchtime, plotting their next promotions or lurking by the docks with a smoke.

Some are out there in the sunshine keeping their corporations in good shape.

Take 12 members of the commercial finance section of Medibank Health Insurance.

The team did 50 punches, jogged to the end of the sports courts at Docklands Park, then followed this up by push-ups and side-planks.

There was lots of huffing and puffing particularly when the group, under the strict tutelage of financier Michael Allen, attempted “suicide by burpie”.

The burpie is a cardiovascular exercise that includes three vigorous moves, all of them difficult.

“We start with 10 then eight, six, and four then we plank,” he said. The response was not all positive.

“I feel sick already,” complained one victim, who was forced to hold a plank until the rest of the team finished.

“Come on,” Michael urged them. “Do a newsworthy burpie.”

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