Biggest morning teas

Biggest morning teas

Docklanders came together in force on May 26 to raise funds for the Cancer Council.

There were two “Biggest Morning Teas” – one held in a private apartment at Yarra’s Edge and another at Berth restaurant in NewQuay.

And, while the events were quite different, the motivations of the organisers and the generosity of the participants was the same.

The Yarra’s Edge event was held at the home of Petra and Brian Harmer-Shrowder.  About 30 people attended and, with an entry fee and raffles of donated goods and services, $2170 was raised.

Over at NewQuay, 130 people attended and more than $9000 was raised – an increase of 50 per cent on last year’s total.

Well done Docklands!

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