Columns » Melbourne Maritime Heritage Network

Two steps forward and one step back

Two steps forward and one step back

July 1st, 2020 - Docklands News

… or in nautical terms, as we tack back and forth against the wind making slow headway against the COVID-19 virus.


Getting through COVID-19

July 1st, 2020 - Docklands News

Since my last article the whole world has changed dramatically with COVID-19 pandemic and I doubt that the Docklands precinct will ever be the same.

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Moving across the world for Docklands

July 1st, 2020 - Docklands News

After leaving the UK in 2008 in search of a more modern landscape, Tony Bryer found himself falling in love with the idyllic harbour views of Docklands.

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After COVID-19: do we want to go back to “normal”?

July 1st, 2020 - Docklands News

AfWhat a strange start to the year we’ve all had.

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Anchor up at Yarra’s Edge’s newest cafe

July 1st, 2020 - Jack Hayes

When you think of the Melbourne café scene you instantly evoke images of laneways and converted shopfronts. You don’t think of riverfront and harbour views; that is, until now.

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Dining at WTC Wharf

July 1st, 2020 - Jack Hayes

With the gradual easing of government restrictions in Melbourne’s hospitality industry, life as “almost normal” has returned to WTC Wharf.

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Pharmacy lands at The District

July 1st, 2020 - Jack Hayes

In times of growing public health uncertainty, it is great peace of mind to know Docklands has a new avenue for expert medical advice and care.

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Iconic Melbourne Star keeps turning

July 1st, 2020 - Jack Hayes

Our iconic Melbourne Star Observation Wheel has re-opened to the public, allowing a maximum of three guests per cabin to experience the Docklands landmark and the city views it affords.

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Hoon activity ramps up

July 1st, 2020 - Sean Car

Deputy Lord Mayor of Melbourne Arron Wood met with more than 50 Yarra's Edge (YE) residents at Point Park on June 19 amid increasing trouble with hoon drivers in the precinct since the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

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Election jigsaw puzzle falling into place

July 1st, 2020 - Sean Car

A debate among City of Melbourne councillors over the state government's proposed safe injecting room near Queen Victoria Market (QVM) on June 23 has potentially helped to answer a lot of questions about October's local government elections.

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North Wharf crane restored

North Wharf crane restored

February 28th, 2019 - Docklands News
Getting through COVID-19

Getting through COVID-19

July 1st, 2020 - Docklands News
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