Columns » Precinct Perspective

This too shall pass

This too shall pass

September 2nd, 2020 - Docklands News

While stage 4 lockdown has presented residents with numerous challenges, as in all situations there have indeed been positives.


Housing for all makes “good business sense”

September 2nd, 2020 - Docklands News

Welcome to the second of our series which will attempt to explore the role that housing can and should play within Australian society and why it is important to our economy that we house all Australians, rich or poor. 

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Rapt with life in Docklands

September 2nd, 2020 - Docklands News

Moving from New Zealand eight years ago to settle in Melbourne, Jacqueline Graham had a brand-new city in front of her and unlimited choice of where to live.

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Charter boats ‘‘squeezed out’’

September 2nd, 2020 - Sean Car

Docklands charter boat operators say they feel that they're being ''kicked out'' of Victoria Harbour as the industry continues to seek answers over future berthing arrangements in the precinct.

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Maritime dream closer to reality

September 2nd, 2020 - Sean Car

Plans for a long-touted maritime museum and experience hub in Docklands are moving ahead after the state government and the City of Melbourne committed to a feasibility study and business case.

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High-rise not told of COVID cases

September 2nd, 2020 - David Schout

Central city owners' corporations (OCs) are on high alert after news that managers at one of Melbourne's largest high-rise apartment buildings were not informed by health authorities that residents had tested positive to COVID-19.

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Greenline council rift

September 2nd, 2020 - Sean Car

A leak from within the City of Melbourne regarding a ''top secret'' plan to connect the inner city with new green spaces and cycling paths has highlighted a divide within the senior ranks of council's management.

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Council elections: what we know

September 2nd, 2020 - Sean Car

While electoral rolls had only recently closed when the September edition of Docklands News published, a lot was still unknown about the makeup of the October 24 City of Melbourne council elections.

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Too quiet in Village St

September 2nd, 2020 - Rhonda Dredge

A sunny laneway with a takeaway window, providing niche, local food, has become almost the norm for the inner suburbs.

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Tram options back on the table

September 2nd, 2020 - Sean Car

A call to bring forward the start of the Metro 2 rail project to Fishermans Bend has renewed hopes for alternatives to a “costly” tram bridge over the Yarra River through Docklands.

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No Safety Day for this year

No Safety Day for this year

September 28th, 2011 - Docklands News
Locals praise Sassone’s

Locals praise Sassone’s

December 1st, 2021 - Rhonda Dredge
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