Are you mad enough for golf?

Are you mad enough for golf?

All Docklanders are invited to participate in the inaugural Mad Duck Masters community golf day on March 21.

Mad Duck Café proprietor Sam Rowe said his business was motivated to organise the event in a bid to bring the Docklands community together.

“This started as a Yarra’s Edge thing, but we want all of Docklands to be involved and feel welcome,” Mr Rowe said.

He said there was obviously a lot of golfers in Docklands but, until now, no way of bringing them all together for a fun tournament.

The event will be an Ambrose-style team event over 18 holes at St Andrews course on the Mornington Peninsula.  Players will assemble for breakfast at the Mad Duck Café from 9am with a coach leaving Docklands
at 10.15am.

Numbers are restricted, so interested players are asked to ring the café on 9681 8882.  The cost is $110 and includes breakfast and lunch.  Golf carts will be supplied, so there is no need to bring a buggy.

Mr Rowe said prizes would be awarded for the tournament winners as well as male and female longest drive and nearest to the pin.

“There’s a great community feel here in Docklands, but it doesn’t hurt to give it a help along,” Mr Rowe said.

“We thought we would start the year off with a good golf day and pull everyone together,” he said.

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