Amazing bodies at Docklands

Amazing bodies at Docklands

The controversial exhibition The Amazing Bodies had its world debut at Waterfront City on June 4.

Taking visitors on a journey of discovery, the exhibition showcases a variety of whole animal and human bodies that have been “plastinated” – displaying their internal organs, muscles and body parts, true to life and in way never seen before by the general public.

Invented by controversial anatomist Dr Gunther von Hagens, plastination is a process that involves the removal of bodily fluids and replacing them with polymers (plastics). During the process about 70 per cent of the body (mainly fluids and fats) are replaced by plastic materials such as silicone rubber or polyester resin, using a special vacuum process, giving the appearance of a body with no skin, and with the anatomical and physiological structures retained and true to life.

Held at the Waterfront Pavilion, on Docklands Drive, the exhibition is a captivating display of science and avant-garde art that is both amazing, confronting – and to some shocking! Staying true to every physical detail, visitors are offered a unique opportunity to see and understand their own anatomy and that of animals. It is both thought-provoking and fascinating.

The Amazing Bodies comes as a result of the huge success in Melbourne of a previous exhibition in 2007, Amazing Human Bodies. Similar exhibitions have been visited by more than 22 million people around the world.

The exhibits explore various biological and artistic themes through comparative anatomical displays. Visitors can learn what part the locomotive, nervous, respiratory, cardiovascular, digestive and reproductive systems play in keeping humans and animals alive, as well as marvel at the artistic and intriguing bodies, slices and organs.

The exhibition is open from, Saturday to Thursday – 10am until 5pm (last entry 4.15pm) and Friday 10am – 8pm (last entry 7.15pm) and runs until August 31.

Entry for Amazing Bodies is $25 for adults, $17 for children (aged of 7-14) and $75 for families (two adults and two children). Concessions (pensioners with a senior card or students with ID) $23; for primary and secondary school groups of more than 15 people the cost is $16 per person.

Please visit for further information and ticket purchase. Tickets can also be purchased through, or by calling 1300 GET TIX (439 849).

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